I Am That

by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Below you can find some highlights (not a summary, every page deserves highlights!) Skim… then slow down on the paragraphs that catch your interest. Reflection requires pause. (Note: The book is structured as questions (Q) and answers by Maharaj (M).) ~ I am is the ultimate fact. Who am I? is […]

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Not now, yes later

Whenever I write on a sheet of paper “The ONE thing I want to focus on…”  I end up with five different projects for the day, week or year. After much pondering I can cut it back to three. But how one? Impossible. So I end up doing all three at the same time. Sometimes […]

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Conversation with the Dalai Lama’s doctor

“I’m still somewhat competitive but it’s more personal, not at the expense of somebody else. I think it is a combination of meditation and emotional hygiene” — Dr Barry Kerzin Dr Barry Kerzin (Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Facebook) is both a practicing medical doctor and a buddhist monk.  He is the founder and president of the Altruism in Medicine […]

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The 4 Pillar Plan

How to Relax, Eat, Move and Sleep Your Way to a Longer, Healthier Life by Rangan Chatterjee Below you can find my top highlights (not a summary, quotes may be edited for readability) Skim… then slow down on the paragraphs that catch your interest. Reflection requires pause. If it resonates, you can purchase the full book […]

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You cannot figure out Life

“Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” – Richard Feynman Is there any hope for a fly in the wall to understand your world? No. It […]

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Facing Discomfort

“…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin, 1789 We can add a third item to Franklin’s famous dictum: discomfort. There is no enduring escape from pain and discomfort for as long as we are alive. Accepting this, it matters how you approach activities that cause […]

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The Book of Five Rings

A Classic Text on the Japanese Way of the Sword by Miyamoto Musashi, translated by Thomas Cleary Below you can find my top highlights from the book (it is not meant to be a summary) Quotes are edited for readability when context is required, and bolded to help structure the notes. Skim… then slow down […]

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Make Time

How to focus on what matters every day by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky Below you can find my top highlights from the book (it is not meant to be a summary) Quotes are edited for readability when context is required, and bolded to help structure the notes. Skim… then slow down on the paragraphs […]

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Music as mood supplement

In search of flow, a state of optimal experience, I have found one method to be consistently reliable and virtually free: music. The nature of music brings a certain rythm to our moment to moment experience, and since we can pick the music, we can choose the rythm. And yet – how intentional are we in your daily use of music to shift […]

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Musonius Rufus

Lectures and Sayings Below you can find my top highlights from the book (it is not meant to be a summary) Quotes are edited for readability when context is required, and bolded to help structure the notes. Skim… then slow down on the paragraphs that catch your interest. Reflection requires pause. If it resonates, you […]

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