
You used to get these messages from me every season.
From now on you will get them only once or twice per year.

I started sharing nuggets more frequently in the WeeklyWisdom postcard.
So here I will continue sharing with you personal updates…
plus selected learnings & creations from WeeklyWisdom.

Wishing you a strong start of 2019 – enjoy!


Borderless and mesmerizing TeamLabs art experience in Tokyo, Japan.

Listen to my conversation with the Dalai Lama’s doctor, Dr Barry Kerzin, both monk and physician. We discuss how to mix being and doing, with an emphasis on daily practices. If you want to hear more such conversations just reply “more conversations” 🙂

Walking over the Tagus river to enter the medieval city-fortress of Toledo, Spain.

If I know anything about mastering group facilitation, I learned it from Mario Galarreta. He recently left Google to deepen his inner journey, and left us with this profound reminder: Push That Cow Down The Cliff.

Japan has a fascinating talent at blending their traditional aesthetics with the ultramodern. If you visit Tokyo consider enjoying tea at the Aman Hotel lounge.

Co-led WeekendOfNow retreat in Spain to be in Nature: time-free, tech-free, task-free. Complete renewal in a XIXth century watermill. It’s simple: when there are no distractions, you can go deeper within and with others. When did you last go off the grid?


Here are the five most liked essays I’ve written recently:

“Reading is software for your mind: beware of free malware.”
The hidden cost of reading

“What do you want? In order to answer this question you would need to define “you”, and this is the mother of all questions. So we skip it.”
Your desires are not yours

“So why is it so tricky to live today as if it was one full, complete life of its own? You need to address two conflicting sides of our psyche: the controlling mind and the surrendered mind.”
How to live one day at a time

“Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter.”
You cannot figure out Life

“Leaning forward into discomfort is only sustainable if my subsconscious can trust that I will be leaning back after the batch is done.”
Facing Discomfort


Detailed highlights from the five best books I’ve come across (click to read notes):

“You are quite satisfied with pleasures. There is no place for happiness. Empty your cup and clean it. It cannot be filled otherwise.” 
I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

“He didn’t know exactly what it was, but he believed it existed: a simple framework for avoiding distractions, maintaining energy, and making more time.” 
Make Time by Jake Knapp

“Your body can’t tell the difference between emotional stress, physical stress and nutritional stress.” 
The four pillar plan by Rangan Chatterjee

“For thirty years, … entirely the wrong lesson had been drawn from the prisoner’s dilemma. Selfishness was not the rational thing to do after all – so long as the game is played more than once.”
The Origins of Virtue by Matt Ridley

“the most important recommendation we can give you to sustain a well-designed life is to invest in and commit to some personal practices … such as journaling, prayer or spiritual exercises, meditation, integrated physical practices like yoga or tai chi” 
Designing your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans.

Call for Artists + Coders from Veronica Neo co-founder of FutureNow
Altrusim in Medicine & Human Values Institute for donations, led by Dr Barry Kerzin

I’ll be travelling to the following locations – tea time for meaningful conversation welcome!:

-San Francisco (here this week till Saturday)
-Bhutan (tentative)

Bringing color back to an 8 years old memory by revisiting the Niagara Falls, Canada
